FlowarrayTM Stopcocks: Several more models of FlowarrayTM Next-Generation Stopcocks are undergoing development currently. These include: High Pressure Stopcocks, 2 Port Stopcocks, Manifolds, and “8 way” Stopcocks. (flowarray.com) (showmetheflow.com) (magicstopcock.com)
Saferinge® Infuser: MonuMedicalTM LLC is developing the world’s first disposable syringe pump which we expect to have available by 2015. It will be available in 30ml and 60ml versions. (saferinge.com)
DoubleDriveSyringeTM: MonuMedical LLC is developing the world’s first practitioner loadable dual stage syringe which we expect to have available by 2015. It will be available in 10ml and 20ml versions. (doubledrivesyringe.com) EZCricTM: MonuMedical LLC is developing a single unified device to perform emergent cricothyrotomy utilizing the rapid four step technique (RFST). This approach to cricothyrotomy has a much higher success rate than other methods and the unification of the required tools into this single device should allow practitioners the ability to complete the procedure in about 10 seconds with success rates in the 90% range (will require validation). (EZCric.com) (10secondairway.com) (tensecondairway.com)